say hello to flow

The rise of bean-to-cup coffee machines has allowed for some incredible advances in convenience and quality when it comes to coffee. But too often, the hot chocolate option falls short, missing that silky texture and rich depth of flavour. That’s where FLOW steps in.

Created with the belief that exceptional taste and innovative drinks should be accessible anywhere, anytime, Flow brings high-quality chocolate, chai and matcha to bean-to-cup machines; perfect for cafes, offices, universities, hotels or wherever your drinks offering needs an upgrade.

With Flow, you get the same Blendsmiths quality and experience from an automated machine.

And we didn’t just stop at chocolate- we craft for the curious after all. Flow includes a range of vegan and non-vegan chocolate powders, matcha and chai. From an iced matcha latte to a dirty chai or mocha, Flow opens up a world of flavour possibilities.

Simple. Consistent. Delicious.

Flow delivers barista-quality drinks at the touch of a button.