· Robert Trengove
Creating Brand Visuals

Blendsmiths have been great to work with since day one due to their passion and focus on creating a brand that not only sits subjectively within the coffee shop industry but also renders their own identity to a customer base reactive to independent trade and non-corporate enterprise.

Blendsmiths products express their point of difference through their varied colour palette and always has a relationship with the ingredients it is made with to identify their selection of distinctive flavours. If a product’s colour is a key point of interest then there is always a foundation for creating images using props and a setting for a visual story.
If I could give one piece of advice to anyone looking to photograph their Blendsmiths: make the most of each set-up. Don’t take 20 minutes to get your drink positioned how you like it to take one photo for your Instagram feed. Experiment with angles, depth and moving props around. Even the slightest change can change the dynamic of the story you are trying to tell.
Personally, whenever I’m given a job by Blendsmiths I like to reeducate myself with the current industry trends and adapt them where possible to the images.
Blendsmiths are always relevant, and their continued success has been on the back of their courage to take risks and this key personality trait should be reflected in their visual story.
I will always try to offer experimental content alongside what I know is ‘on brand’ and not be afraid of the feedback from the guys, as opening new doors is appreciated even if it doesn’t fit the current ongoing aesthetic.